Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Slow Days and Saturdays

So it's Wednesday, middle of the week, beginning of the slide into the weekend. Yay!

Except for one simple fact: the day simply will not proceed at anything resembling a decent pace. So inconsiderate, right? I mean, Monday and Tuesday at least had the decency to move along at something resembling a rate of 1 second per second, but it seems like today doesn't want to do that.

I wish I had something resembling an idea of why time seems to flow differently like this. I know that it's a human perception thing, of course time isn't actually going slower today just to spite me. But there are certainly factors leading to that perception that I don't know about, much less how to avoid and/or harness them to my satisfaction.

Maybe part of it is the simple act of observation. I mean, how much longer do the days seem as an adult rather than when we were kids? Some days seemed to go by so quick when I was spending time out playing with my friends, and now I'm here in an office, waiting on the next order to come down so I can process it all and the clock just seems to refuse to tick over.

Of course, on a larger scale the reverse seems true, too. It seems like I've only been married a few weeks, but it was nearly a year ago. I wish I could slow down my time with her, rather than speeding headlong into the future.

But, if I could control time, you'd have to call me The Doctor. And I don't have a TARDIS.

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