Monday, July 8, 2013


So, it's been a little while. I'm an awful writer, I know, no need in reminding me.

Those of you who are still here may remember my posts about worry, and how it came to an end when I got a new job. It's been fantastic and I'm loving it. However, it's changed my routine up quite a bit, leaving me without the swathes of time to kill I had at my old job. Meaning, of course, that I tend to ignore writing here in favor of other tasks.

However, I now seek to change this once more.

So, should all go according to plan (yes, I know, things never do), I'll be bringing you more blog posts as the weeks develop. Hopefully I can pick up my later this week and continue on with those, and maybe bring some other things into the mix. So, all that to say simply "watch this space" and we'll try and get things back on track.

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